2016(e)ko maiatzaren 19(a), osteguna
2016(e)ko maiatzaren 5(a), osteguna
2016(e)ko maiatzaren 2(a), astelehena
First, I thought that I would have to do a painting at a wall and it would have beenv dificult to find a wall we could paint on. Finally Xavier told me that it was enough to do a poster.
The poster contains the bad things our world have that create gloval warming so I draw a nuclear power station, dirty sea, petrol pouring, too many cars, a melting ice berg and more stuff to create an impact in the people.
I think it looks pretty good and that it makes people think about our society and how passive they are with this topic.
The poster contains the bad things our world have that create gloval warming so I draw a nuclear power station, dirty sea, petrol pouring, too many cars, a melting ice berg and more stuff to create an impact in the people.
I think it looks pretty good and that it makes people think about our society and how passive they are with this topic.
2016(e)ko apirilaren 4(a), astelehena
First of all, I do not know what do I have to draw yet, but I will think or ask for advice to my classmates. I also do not know if I have to draw it on a paper, wall, howt o do it, what to use to do it, the only think I know is I have to draw something about the climatic change, global warming and Europe...
2016(e)ko martxoaren 14(a), astelehena
Las guerras son algo que no tenemos que permitir. Matar no es la solución. Cada día estamos matándonos entre nosotros, entre herman@s.
La guerra no debe ser la solución a ningún problema independientemente de la magnitud de esta, por lo tanto estamos obligados a encontrar entre todos una solución digna, ética y humana.
Aunque parezca que a nosotros esto no nos influía, si que lo hace porque perjudica a la raza humana, una raza en la que todos somos participes y en la que nos tenemos que ayudar, como herman@s que somos.
Cada vez que una gota de sangre es vertida en el campo de guerra, la tierra llora y una lágrima es vertida hacia nosotros y desaparece en el espacio con el llanto de una madre y un padre al darse cuenta de que no volverán a ver la sonrisa de su hij@ que por culpa de alguien fue asesinada en la asquerosa, mugrienta, manipulada y sucia GUERRA.
siempre ha habido diversas rivalidades entre los seres humanos. Desde
los hombres de las cavernas hasta nuestra época; conquistas, cruzadas,
duelos, envidias, conflictos existenciales y guerras.
guerra no es ajena al discurso político, mucho menos en tiempos
electorales. Enfrentamientos verbales, grabaciones ilegales, estrategias
de comunicación, gabinetes, gestión de las crisis de comunicación,
imagen o metidas de pata, la campana electoral no solo está exenta, sino
es el clímax de (des) encuentros de mensajes, posturas o propuestas de
tres corrientes partidistas. Una guerra normalmente sin muertos.
encuentro extraño que las plataformas de gobierno se diferencien o
coincidan en algunos temas, lo que me parece normal. Más bien creo que
ninguno de los tres principales candidatos difieren tanto en sus
propuestas. Hasta el momento no creo que exista el candidato que esté
dispuesto a sacrificar poder, reconocimiento y gloria por intentar
llevar a cambio un cambio profundo en el país.
veo ganas o intención de construir un verdadero gobierno en alianza con
los ciudadanos, empresarios, intelectuales, campesinos, obreros,
artistas, por más que lo predique quien lo predique. O por lo menos no
soy capaz de encuentrar indicios. Será
Lo que veo cada día es más indiferencia hartazgo, apatía, coraje, frustración o resignación.
doy cuenta cuando me hablan de las cifras de niñas violentadas
sexualmente y detectadas en hospitales públicos, con las notas de prensa
sobre el caso Cassez, cuando escucho los spots o cuando cada día soy
escucha invisible de los insultos verbales de mis vecinos o los
atropellos al peatón; la incivilidad con el servicio doméstico, cuando
protegen a delincuentes o detienen reformas o procesos. Cuando se viola
el Artículo 39 de la Constitución Política.
Por esto, no espero nada diferente de esta campaña electoral que sea distinto o constructivo.
discurso del PAN, en particular de este sexenio ha sido violento,
caótico. Estalló una guerra sin ningún tipo de plan, por lo menos no del
conocimiento público, y con esto me refiero a la guerra contra el
sido altivo, últimamente el Presidente da patadas de ahogado, en su
intento de salvar lo insalvable. La confianza y el tejido social se han
roto, pero siguen las discusiones inútiles en las cámaras, los chismes
políticos y los insultos explícitos o velados entre candidatos, partidos
o actores de relevancia política o social.
El discurso del nuevo priismo me huele a viejo y el del PRD me sabe extraño.
El "Pinche Sota" de Josefina Vazquez Mota muestra su pobre interacción
solo no se conforman con 50,000 muertos, sino abundan en engrosar el
discurso de la guerra, que tiene su base en el discurso del miedo, aquel
que me hace parecer escéptica del futuro de nuestro país, no por la
calidad y capacidad de los mexicanos, sino por la incapacidad de diálogo
civilizado por parte de la clase política.
Quizá por eso me abstenga o anule mi voto, porque me parece que votar "por el menos peor"
- See more at: http://desmesura.org/firmas/el-discurso-de-la-guerra#sthash.J0m26tYA.dpuf
siempre ha habido diversas rivalidades entre los seres humanos. Desde
los hombres de las cavernas hasta nuestra época; conquistas, cruzadas,
duelos, envidias, conflictos existenciales y guerras.
guerra no es ajena al discurso político, mucho menos en tiempos
electorales. Enfrentamientos verbales, grabaciones ilegales, estrategias
de comunicación, gabinetes, gestión de las crisis de comunicación,
imagen o metidas de pata, la campana electoral no solo está exenta, sino
es el clímax de (des) encuentros de mensajes, posturas o propuestas de
tres corrientes partidistas. Una guerra normalmente sin muertos.
encuentro extraño que las plataformas de gobierno se diferencien o
coincidan en algunos temas, lo que me parece normal. Más bien creo que
ninguno de los tres principales candidatos difieren tanto en sus
propuestas. Hasta el momento no creo que exista el candidato que esté
dispuesto a sacrificar poder, reconocimiento y gloria por intentar
llevar a cambio un cambio profundo en el país.
veo ganas o intención de construir un verdadero gobierno en alianza con
los ciudadanos, empresarios, intelectuales, campesinos, obreros,
artistas, por más que lo predique quien lo predique. O por lo menos no
soy capaz de encuentrar indicios. Será
Lo que veo cada día es más indiferencia hartazgo, apatía, coraje, frustración o resignación.
doy cuenta cuando me hablan de las cifras de niñas violentadas
sexualmente y detectadas en hospitales públicos, con las notas de prensa
sobre el caso Cassez, cuando escucho los spots o cuando cada día soy
escucha invisible de los insultos verbales de mis vecinos o los
atropellos al peatón; la incivilidad con el servicio doméstico, cuando
protegen a delincuentes o detienen reformas o procesos. Cuando se viola
el Artículo 39 de la Constitución Política.
Por esto, no espero nada diferente de esta campaña electoral que sea distinto o constructivo.
discurso del PAN, en particular de este sexenio ha sido violento,
caótico. Estalló una guerra sin ningún tipo de plan, por lo menos no del
conocimiento público, y con esto me refiero a la guerra contra el
sido altivo, últimamente el Presidente da patadas de ahogado, en su
intento de salvar lo insalvable. La confianza y el tejido social se han
roto, pero siguen las discusiones inútiles en las cámaras, los chismes
políticos y los insultos explícitos o velados entre candidatos, partidos
o actores de relevancia política o social.
El discurso del nuevo priismo me huele a viejo y el del PRD me sabe extraño.
El "Pinche Sota" de Josefina Vazquez Mota muestra su pobre interacción
solo no se conforman con 50,000 muertos, sino abundan en engrosar el
discurso de la guerra, que tiene su base en el discurso del miedo, aquel
que me hace parecer escéptica del futuro de nuestro país, no por la
calidad y capacidad de los mexicanos, sino por la incapacidad de diálogo
civilizado por parte de la clase política.
Quizá por eso me abstenga o anule mi voto, porque me parece que votar "por el menos peor"
- See more at: http://desmesura.org/firmas/el-discurso-de-la-guerra#sthash.J0m26tYA.dpuf
siempre ha habido diversas rivalidades entre los seres humanos. Desde
los hombres de las cavernas hasta nuestra época; conquistas, cruzadas,
duelos, envidias, conflictos existenciales y guerras.
guerra no es ajena al discurso político, mucho menos en tiempos
electorales. Enfrentamientos verbales, grabaciones ilegales, estrategias
de comunicación, gabinetes, gestión de las crisis de comunicación,
imagen o metidas de pata, la campana electoral no solo está exenta, sino
es el clímax de (des) encuentros de mensajes, posturas o propuestas de
tres corrientes partidistas. Una guerra normalmente sin muertos.
encuentro extraño que las plataformas de gobierno se diferencien o
coincidan en algunos temas, lo que me parece normal. Más bien creo que
ninguno de los tres principales candidatos difieren tanto en sus
propuestas. Hasta el momento no creo que exista el candidato que esté
dispuesto a sacrificar poder, reconocimiento y gloria por intentar
llevar a cambio un cambio profundo en el país.
veo ganas o intención de construir un verdadero gobierno en alianza con
los ciudadanos, empresarios, intelectuales, campesinos, obreros,
artistas, por más que lo predique quien lo predique. O por lo menos no
soy capaz de encuentrar indicios. Será
Lo que veo cada día es más indiferencia hartazgo, apatía, coraje, frustración o resignación.
doy cuenta cuando me hablan de las cifras de niñas violentadas
sexualmente y detectadas en hospitales públicos, con las notas de prensa
sobre el caso Cassez, cuando escucho los spots o cuando cada día soy
escucha invisible de los insultos verbales de mis vecinos o los
atropellos al peatón; la incivilidad con el servicio doméstico, cuando
protegen a delincuentes o detienen reformas o procesos. Cuando se viola
el Artículo 39 de la Constitución Política.
Por esto, no espero nada diferente de esta campaña electoral que sea distinto o constructivo.
discurso del PAN, en particular de este sexenio ha sido violento,
caótico. Estalló una guerra sin ningún tipo de plan, por lo menos no del
conocimiento público, y con esto me refiero a la guerra contra el
sido altivo, últimamente el Presidente da patadas de ahogado, en su
intento de salvar lo insalvable. La confianza y el tejido social se han
roto, pero siguen las discusiones inútiles en las cámaras, los chismes
políticos y los insultos explícitos o velados entre candidatos, partidos
o actores de relevancia política o social.
El discurso del nuevo priismo me huele a viejo y el del PRD me sabe extraño.
El "Pinche Sota" de Josefina Vazquez Mota muestra su pobre interacción
solo no se conforman con 50,000 muertos, sino abundan en engrosar el
discurso de la guerra, que tiene su base en el discurso del miedo, aquel
que me hace parecer escéptica del futuro de nuestro país, no por la
calidad y capacidad de los mexicanos, sino por la incapacidad de diálogo
civilizado por parte de la clase política.
Quizá por eso me abstenga o anule mi voto, porque me parece que votar "por el menos peor"
- See more at: http://desmesura.org/firmas/el-discurso-de-la-guerra#sthash.J0m26tYA.dpuf2016(e)ko martxoaren 7(a), astelehena
We are doing ICT, but we are not going to learn it's history. We are going to so more practical things like knowing how to use new programs, doing presentations and more stuff. I think it will be really interesting!
But before the ICT we are going to take part in a content about war. We are going to do different activities and send them to a organization that will decide who wins. We are going to do whatever we can to win!
We are going to give our 100%!
But before the ICT we are going to take part in a content about war. We are going to do different activities and send them to a organization that will decide who wins. We are going to do whatever we can to win!
We are going to give our 100%!
I think the beginning was a bit boring, when we just read the sheets about diseases, because it was not really interesting and it was boring.
After that it started being funner when we did the presentation because the themes we were talking about were entertaining.
I also like the war theme at the end of the term, it is something I have never talked about it and because it is related to history and I like it.
STOP WAR presentation. Click here!!
I hope you like.
2016(e)ko otsailaren 29(a), astelehena
2016(e)ko otsailaren 25(a), osteguna
World War II was humanity's deadliest war,
causing tens of millions of deaths. The total estimated human loss of
life caused by World War II was roughly 72 million people, making it the
deadliest, and most destructive war in human history. World War II
smashed the previous record of approximately 20 million military and
civilian deaths set by World War I less than thirty years before. The
civilian toll was around 47 million, including 20 million deaths due to
war related famine and disease. The military toll was about 25 million,
including the deaths of about 4 million prisoners of war in captivity.
The Allies lost approximately 61 million people, and the Axis powers
lost 11 million.
A majority of Allied soldiers killed were Soviets (65%). A majority of the rest of the Allies killed in battle were Chinese (23%). British and American casualties numbered only 2% each of the total Allied casualties. Most of the Axis killed in battle were Nazis (64%), and most of the rest of the Axis soldiers were Japanese (24%). In short, a lot of people died.
2016(e)ko otsailaren 15(a), astelehena
What is a refugee?
Refugees are forced to flee their homes
and seek safety in another country, often times without warning.
Refugees must travel light with very few belongings or nothing at all,
for their trek to safety is often fraught with danger and great
hardship. Many risk their lives crossing borders. They leave family and
friends without saying goodbye and are unable to return home until
conditions in their native lands improve. Refugees receive protection
under international laws and conventions and lifesaving support from aid
agencies, including the International Rescue Committee. Currently,
there are nearly 60 million men, women and children escaping war,
persecution and political turbulence.
park residents are young and forced to provide for themselves. About
4,000 unaccompanied children are known to be making the journey to
Europe on their own, but humanitarian groups say it could be as many as
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpufv
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpufv
park residents are young and forced to provide for themselves. About
4,000 unaccompanied children are known to be making the journey to
Europe on their own, but humanitarian groups say it could be as many as
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpuf
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpuf
park residents are young and forced to provide for themselves. About
4,000 unaccompanied children are known to be making the journey to
Europe on their own, but humanitarian groups say it could be as many as
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpuf
Syrian refugees lack many basic things, such as shoes. Most shoes got destroyed on the long walks they took to reach Serbia. Like Muhammed, Fadi, and their families, refugees lack shelter as well.
“I miss my bed. I was used to sleeping normally, and now I have to sleep in the park,” says Alimuseneh, an 11-year-old refugee who sat on a park bench with his 4-year-old brother, Yusef.
Refugees said they plan to move on from Belgrade toward the Hungarian border and other European countries after a couple of days. Some were worried about passing through Hungary.
The International Business Times has reported that 2,000 migrants cross the border from Macedonia into Serbia daily — sometimes many more.
- See more at: http://www.worldvision.org/news-stories-videos/europes-migration-crisis-syrian-refugees-long-journeys-long-nights#sthash.ig7jfHCd.dpuf
2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 25(a), astelehena
Health and lifestyle: DIET
Many people think drinking calories or sugar free drinks can be healthy or at least healthier than a soda. Nobody is going to claim that regularly drinking full-sugar pop is good for you with a 500ml bottle of cola containing around 200 calories. But are really low-calorie sweeteners as good and healthy as we think
There is public concern about some sweeteners and groups of scientists have argued that low-calorie sweeteners may lead to weight gain and increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
So do they have a place in our shopping baskets?
Studies looking at large groups of people have shown obese people tend to drink more fizzy diet drinks than those of a healthy weight.
A study of US adults in the American Journal of Public Health showed 11% who were a healthy weight, 19% of those who were overweight and 22% who were obese drank diet beverages.
The researchers were left asking the question: "Are artificial sweeteners fueling, rather than fighting, the very epidemic they were designed to block?" But it is impossible to determine cause and effect in such studies. Are the drinks causing weight gain or are obese people turning to diet drinks in an effort to control their weight? The problem is that this people do not know where the sweeteners are drinking came from, and they do not even know what are they.
Scientists need do do more research on this issue, but what they all advice is that we should drink more water because it doesn't have anything unhealthy.
Harpidetu honetara:
Mezuak (Atom)